Options For Your Website

Your website should have more

Your website should have more

These are just common ones that are usually requested, but sometimes we customize some as the client request it during the development process. Anything built during development for the website's security does not come with extra charges.

Spam Filters

Catch spam before they get to your inbox. Reducing spam helps with unwanted emails.

Traffic Tracker

Track how people visit your website & clicks. Get an idea of where your traffic goes.


Protect your CMS and sensitive pages. Also have some customized for your online needs.

Form Submissions

Form submission, spellchecks, minimum length, maximum length and verification included.

Search Bars

Implement a search function to return what your customers are looking for and needing.

SEO Enriched Pages

Have every page SEO friendly and appear in search results, using sitemap and robot file.

Dynamic Catalog

Do you need to be able to sell online? Let's include an ecommerce type set up.